Why are DuraCores made of PVC?
PVC is a very common and safe plastic material that is used as water pipe in almost every city, town and municipality in North America. PVC is also used in numerous household applications, including vinyl windows and vinyl outdoor fencing. The special formulation of PVC that Available Plastics uses for DuraCores produces an extremely strong and tough core with a very tight surface structure that resists absorption of moisture and contaminants.
How does PVC compare to other plastics such as HDPE, styrene or ABS?
Our customers have used our DuraCores to replace their HDPE, styrene and ABS cores simply because of better performance on many fronts. Their other plastic cores are failing prematurely. Some of them are cracking easily, which often ruins the product. Others are getting out of round (egg shaped), and some are being degraded by common manufacturing fluids, chemicals, etc.
Can you make DuraCores in special sizes and lengths?
Absolutely. We do it
every day. Available
Plastics has a massive
inventory of tooling
to make cores and can
run an almost infinite
range of core sizes and
lengths. If by chance
we don't have tooling
for the particular core
size that you need, we
inexpensively make the
tooling. Call us
to discuss your needs!
You can contact us at
1-800-633-7212 or sales@apiplastics.com.
How long will DuraCores last?
The short answer: Usually for a very long time. The useable life of a DuraCore Plastic PVC core is really dependent on two key factors: the wall thickness and the winding tension. We have customers who have gotten literally years of service and hundreds of turns out of a single DuraCore.
Are PVC DuraCores more cost-effective than paper cores?
DuraCores are most cost-effective when used repeatedly. For one-time use, the cost of a DuraCore, while close to the price of a traditional paper core, is usually not less expensive. When reduced landfill costs, greater protection of expensive materials and other factors are considered, DuraCores are a great value.
How thick does a DuraCore need to be?
We typically start with a DuraCore wall thickness of one-half of the thickness of paper cores. Even at a reduced thickness, we have found that the crushing strength is usually better than that of the thicker paper cores. Before ordering production quantities, we prefer our Customers to do a trial run with a small quantity of DuraCores at the chosen wall thickness. This will let them verify that a particular wall thickness will work for their specific application.
Are there stock sizes of DuraCores?
Yes and no. We have common OD and ID sizes of DuraCores that we run all the time, but nearly all of our customers require cores of different lengths and colors. As a result, we usually run each order of DuraCores as they are received and produce them to the exact length and quantities our customers specify.
Click here to see a chart of some of the most common sizes of DuraCores that we run.